Saturday, June 30, 2012

Baby, welcome to the neighborhood

One of my fave things in the whole world is an animated title sequence. It all started with the opening credits of Troop Beverly Hills, one of my very favorite movies:

I just love the animation, the silliness, the colors, the song, all of it. I'm thinking this will be an on-going series on this blog, because I have a lot of love for a lot of animated title sequences. Also, can we just talk about how great and ridiculous Troop Beverly Hills is? Especially when Phyllis Neffler does the Freddie dance?

(Side-note: I finally got to see Moonrise Kingdom this afternoon, and I absolutely loved it! Wes Anderson makes the most magical movies. Have you had the pleasure of seeing Moonrise Kingdom yet? Please do.)

Friday, June 29, 2012

So soon!

So as I’ve mentioned before, I’m moving to Africa so soon! I kind of feel like a crazy person with all the things I have to do and loose ends I need to tie up... not to mention packing. But I’m so excited to get to Nakuru and be a part of God is doing there. I’ve felt God calling me to international missions for a long time, and now He’s opened the doors to Nakuru, Kenya and is clearly leading me there to share the Gospel and love my far-away neighbors. I’m moving with a sweet family, and we will be working with His Cherished Ones International Ministry. AKA I basically get to play with way cute babies all the time. Holla! But my main focus will be serving the Thomas family so they can be more effective in their ministries... so like maybe cooking (they don’t really have good cheese and their milk is boxed and comes in flavors like bubblegum and banana... what’s a girl to do?) and helping around the house. And maybe helping out with homeschooling? Maybe not, I failed a math class in high school. But most importantly, this means I get to wear leggings and a top knot all day every day, my dream come true! ;)

Things to pray for:

- Packing. I know that sounds trivial, but it’s causing me a lot of stress.
- Smooth adjustments to culture shock and to living in a different home with a different family.
- Comfort, peace, and a clear mind to hear the Lord’s voice without petty distractions/annoyances/homesickness.
- God’s provision for financial support. I am not going through a missions organization and am therefore responsible for raising my own support. The Thomases are very generously covering some of the costs I would otherwise be responsible for (hello, free place to live!), but I am still estimating that I will need $10,000 - $12,000 for the first year, and I am still about $3,000 short of that amount.

Ways to give:

- Checks can be made to Church on the Way (tax-deductible!) and mailed to:

          Church on the Way
          P.O. Box 1649
          Lake City, FL 32056
Please specify on the memo line that the check is for Brie’s Kenya fund :)

- Donations can also be given via PayPal. You can find a PayPal button on the right side of this blog.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support! You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Also, get excited to hear all about life in Kenya soon!


Hey friends, welcome to my blog! My name is Brie, but my brother-in-law calls me Brieberry. So there ya go.

(photo by Augustine Grace Photography)

I used to have a really ridiculous blog. I only posted like three times, and all of the posts were typed on a typewriter and then scanned onto my computer... which seemed really cool at first, but it was actually just a huge hassle. I wrote about weird things like Miley Cyrus’ strange relationship with her dad (but can I get an amen?). Before that, I MySpace blogged (remember when that was a thing?), which was really fun, but does MySpace even exist still? Not in my world. So now I’m trying out realistic blogging, and I’m excited about it!

It just so happens that I’m moving to Nakuru, Kenya in less than two weeks! I want a way to keep friends and family collectively updated on what’s going on in my world, so I’ll basically just be documenting the days and events in my weird life and things I love. Which means you can look forward to reading about my hair woes, baking experiments, sweet Kenyan babies, my favorite animated title sequences, wonderful music, learning how to drive on the left side of the road, the weird jobs I’ve had, people I love, and what is going on in my heart. Basically what I’m saying is that this blog will probably make no sense. So get excited!