Monday, May 20, 2013

Market Monday

I’ve decided that Mondays are Mondays wherever in the world you are. Mondays around here are very busy and very unpredictable. But I actually really enjoy the meetings, getting back into a routine after the weekend, seeing people who hadn’t been around the few days before, etc. It’s nice. One of my favorite things about Mondays, though, is that it’s Market Day! Every Monday morning, our baby house cook, Christine, goes to the vegetable market in town and brings back a huge sackful of beautiful fruits and vegetables. Gigantic carrots, bunches of kale, pretty mangoes, potatoes right out of the ground. It’s beautiful and all locally grown. Kenya has awesome produce. 

This morning, I spent some time on the kitchen floor, peeling plantains and potatoes with two of the aunties (we may or may not have spent more time singing and laughing and talking than actually working... but really, what’s new?) 

I LOVE Market Mondays. And so the toddlers - who doesn't want extra snacks?!

P.S. Is Deli not the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?

Happy Monday!

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